Sunday 30 January 2011

At the end of the day... (long dramatic pause) I don't know.

All of my friends seem hell-bent on getting their careers on the right track at the moment; I'd probably be the same, if I had any idea where I wanted to be, in terms of that. I'm not entirely sure I want a conventional career though, to be honest, I don't want to be defined by what I do. I just want to figure out, not so much who I am, rather what it is I want. I'm quite certain of who I am; I'm me. I don't need none of that 'finding-yourself' bull, I'm me, I'm here, what more do you need to know? 

For some reason, today I thought of the 'no man is an island' quote, and I understood it properly for the first time. We're all something to someone; friend, lover, sister, brother, parent, teacher, husband, wife, daughter or son, even neighbour. None of us are without our ties, however small they might be. Thinking of that, it makes you wonder how people can die in their homes and not be found 'until [their] bones are clean and the rent overdue', to quote Sarah Kane. It's sad. 

If recent trends are anything to go by, I definitely think that writing is something I need to be more serious about pursuing. I actually started a new play draft yesterday, and have already got about 20 minutes of material drafted, which is rare for me, as life usually distracts me, and it ends up taking several weeks to sort out a scene. But I like this idea, and I can see where it's going. It would be nice to get it down and maybe sent off somewhere before I flee the country. And I've not really got anything else going on right now, apart from trying to make as much cash as is humanly possible, in order to fund my aforementioned country-fleeing. At the end of the day, I have no idea where I might end up, but I quite like the idea of being pleasantly surprised.

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