Wednesday, 26 January 2011

It's all me, me, me, me, me...

I don't really know why I'm writing a blog...

Well, actually, I sort of do... you see, about a week ago, I decided to leave the UK, and move to Barcelona. It was a decision made on impulse, but it is the only one I've made since graduating that makes any sense. Unlike a lot of people, I haven't just booked a flight out and relied on hopes and prayers and the kindness of friends to get me started, I'm actually being SENSIBLE.

For those of you that know me, I can understand that statement being a difficult one to comprehend, and for those of you that don't, sensible isn't usually my style.

Well, anyway, as part of the sensible plan, I wanted to try and get a job in Barcelona ready for when I moved out there, which apparently is nigh on impossible for an english person who doesn't speak a lot of Spanish. Today I had a telephone interview, for a job in telesales, and I've pretty much got the job. So, Challenge Numero Uno: Complete! Now I just need around £1000, so that I've enough for a deposit... a month's rent... and some cash to actually live for a month. Looks like I'm selling my life on ebay. Or maybe just a kidney...

So, there it is. The BIG MOVE is my reason for starting a blog, and as with most blogs, I think the first post should always be at least a little bit about the blogger. So here's a few of my likes and dislikes:

Likes: The sea. Toast (preferably with butter & jam or butter & nutella if I'm drunk). My dog. Passoa & Lemonade. Barbeques. Rain. The Mighty Boosh. Pop Tarts. My duvet (or any duvet, really). Singing (sometimes in the shower, but most places will suffice). Banana Milkshakes (blatantly the best flavour). Wearing new socks... there's nothing quite like it. Oh, and pickled onion monster munch. I can't forget pickled onion monster munch.

Dislikes: Hangovers. Money (except when I've got it). Bills. Most films with Keira Knightley (except atonement, but that's only because of James McAvoy and the fact that Keira Knightley dies at the end [I can also deal with love actually, as it isn't all about 'shout & pout knightley']). Mills & Boon books; they're tragic. Working for a well known fashion chain (the opposite of previous is...). Monday mornings.

1 comment:

  1. Ok so I'm totally missed out of your likes (unacceptable!) as is your love of tea (what's that about?) and nutella on toast . . . YUCK! you disgust me goacher. DISGUST!!!
