Monday 14 February 2011

Everyday Is Like Sunday...

For todays title, I have plagiarised Morrisey (just for those of you that don't know). It seemed apt. I am so bored at the moment, that it really does feel as though everyday is Sunday (by far the most boring of all the weekdays). It's really annoying, that now I've actually made a decision about what I want to do, I actually have to adhere to the laws of being a responsible adult, which means ensuring I have money, etc, to do it. I don't know why I put etc in there, as money is the only thing at the moment. I have a genuine disdain for finance, maybe because I don't understand it, and am therefore useless when it comes to dealing with it. I am quite literally, broke. Unless you count the £400 the taxman owes me, but as I don't have that in any form, I'm not. I'm currently working through all my worldly possessions (how have I accumulated so much crap?!?! I'm only 22!!!) and hardly any of it is actually worth anything. And the stuff that is, tends to be the sentimental stuff that I couldn't part with even if I wanted to. 

Apparently, today is the celebration of St. Valentine. It's not a holiday I buy into myself; not because I'm single and bitter about it (I am single, but I am in no way bitter about it). But because there are 365 (366 in a leap year) days in a year, and I don't see why you should wait for one designated day to celebrate loving someone. It's probably because I want love to be spontaneous, and don't like compartmentalisation. If you love someone, tell them at 4am on a Thursday in November. Just because you love them, not because Hallmark only have cards in February. Personally, I like surprises. And there's nothing very surprising about being given a valentine's card on Valentine's day. It might just be me, but then, a lot of things might just be me.

I also have come to the conclusion that I don't get women. They spend most of the time in a boring relationship, then because their boyfriend takes them for dinner on Valentine's, he's the best thing since chocolate cake. Bullshit; if it takes special occasions for your relationship to be worth anything, get the hell out. Then, at the other end of the spectrum, you've got girls whose boyfriends are genuinely awesome any day of the week, but if they forget the anniversary of the first-time-we-went-to-a-roller-disco, and don't buy them that Pandora bracelet that all their friends have, it's over. And this is coming from a self-confessed drama queen... I don't get relationships; maybe that's why I have no desire to have one. In my opinion, co-dependency sucks. And so does money. That's all for tonight folks... thanks for reading!

Friday 4 February 2011

I'm Turning Into My Mother (There Are Worse Things I Could Be)

My mother is crazy. Genuinely unhinged, in a loveable lunatic kind of way. And as I get older, I'm looking and acting more like her. Most women are petrified of turning into their Mothers, but the way I see it, I wouldn't be who I am without her, and I'm an okay person. So, it figures that she must be an okay person. Today, I bought a box of creme eggs; there were two in it, when one disappeared. As a former (really) fat girl, I assumed I must have eaten it, and had somehow blocked it out, and therefore surrendered the last one to my mother. She allowed me to go along with this disillusion, encouraging it, even, until she cracked and told me she'd had it (after eating the majority of the last one). So, my mother got two creme eggs, and I got a bite of one. We were in hysterics all afternoon. That's why I don't mind turning into my Mum. I love her, and she taught me to laugh. That no matter how crappy things get, you can still find something to laugh about, even if it is just a rather amusing incident with a creme egg.

The other thing that happened today with my Mum also made me realise how lucky I am to have her; my sisters have been threatening to steal my Ann Summer's Saucy schoolgirl outfit; so, when my Mother told me to get dressed, I went and put it on, came downstairs in it, and told her I was not removing it until I thought it was safe. She found it highly amusing, and asked me if I really thought it was a good idea to wear it to walk to Tesco. I love her.

I think the main reason I'm so thankful, is that a year ago my Mum nearly died. She had a clot in one of her arteries, and it brought on a heart-attack like thing, and at the time, I had so much going on at Uni I didn't really understand how serious it all was; she hid it from me, so that I wouldn't worry. That's her all over, more worried about me and the posse doing well, than her own health. When I came back home, and saw what she's been struggling with on a day-to-day basis, it scared the life out of me; she's my best friend. So this is just a note to say how awesome my Mother is (because I know you read this, Susan) and that I am so blooming lucky to have her, it's unreal. So, Mum, I don't mind turning into you, because you're the best person I know.